Net Zero the Hero


To realize CUHK’s concrete commitment to achieving carbon neutrality by 2038

To call on like-minded friends to join the cause of tackling climate change


This campaign encourages participants to take simple, actionable life acts on either 60- or 6-day challenge. By committing to small changes in our everyday routines, we can collectively make a big difference in reducing our carbon footprint and contribute to ‘CUHK Carbon Neutral 2038’.


Whether you choose to set a 6-day or 60-day goal, we invite you to join us in this important effort to create a more sustainable future.

10 Carbon Reduction Challenges:

1⃣ No Overnight Standby 🔌
2⃣ Go Public 🚇
3⃣ Black Coffee ☕
4️⃣ No Phone 📱
5️⃣ Rush Shower 🚿
6️⃣ Bring Your Own Water Bottle 🚰
7️⃣ No Air-conditioner ❄️
8️⃣ Meatless 🥗
9️⃣ 60 km in 60 days 🏃
1️⃣0️⃣ Paperless Coffee 📄

Apply Now

Event Detail



Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Office
CUHK Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change


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